Helen Pamely, an attorney in Spain, also turned to LinkedIn as a place to talk about toxic work culture and help others dealing with bad behavior at work. "People don't...

The Game of Law: Winners, Losers, and What It’s Really About
The Game of Law: Winners, Losers, and What It’s Really About Law is an elite profession. It attracts the most ambitious, talented, and high performers. So why is it...
How Law Firms And Attys Can Combat Imposter Syndrome
The legal profession is laden with the pressure to succeed. For most young lawyers, once hard-earned university grades are in the bag, landing the first job is one of...
Imposter Syndrome – The Silent Killer
Helen Pamely considers the effects of imposter syndrome in the legal world What is imposter syndrome and how can it affect your work. Tips on how to tackle the negative...
Combatting Stress in the Legal Profession: Adjusting to the ‘New Normal’
The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it has sparked have added new pressures to an already stress-prone profession. The COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it has...
Women’s wellness in the workplace: Looking after your staff
With the pandemic increasing mental health concerns, reports have shown that a culture of fear and silence around mental health is costly to employers, with 56% of...
Movers & Shakers Profile: Helen Pamely
Helen, a new partner at Rosling King, shares her passion for mental health, wellbeing & Atticus Finch What was your route into the profession? I studied Law with...
Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist: How to Unleash Your Potential
Mindfulness expert Helen Pamely says striving for perfection held her back and crushed her confidence. A few years into my career as a London City lawyer, I reached a...
Ten Tips for Lawyers to Thrive, Not Just Survive, in Lockdown and Beyond
With endless lockdowns and one week merging into the next, many of us feel despondent and fed up. It is hard to be excited when walks and takeaway coffee are the only...
Taming the inner critic in lockdown & beyond
Fear of failure rather than celebration of inspiration imposes a heavy burden on mental health. Helen Pamely offers some mindful tips ‘The most important words you will...